There are 14 % of reproductive-age women; 5 million couples in the United States of America are childless or infertile. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.[Harrisons. Manual of Medicine, 2005, p 846].
A study in South-eastern Bangladesh, examined the extent to which couples preference for male babies could be preventing a further decline in fertility through an impact on contraceptive use that determines fertility rates. Married couples-over 7500 “just married” couples, in fact were also the subject of a prospective study carried out in Shanghai, China. Results published in 2000 showed that despite a high rate of contraceptive use [about 80 % of married couples], half of the couples with one child had experienced one or more unintended pregnancies following the birth of their first child . It may be because of sex preference male or female babies birth and contraceptive failure. [WHO G eneva.2002, p 11].
In patriarchal culture societies there are the tendencies of couples preference for male babies; and in matriarchal culture societies the tendencies of couples preferences for female babies.
What are we talking about? In these texts we are talking about:
Infertility, childless, couples who wish children.
Couples preference for male babies.
Couples preference for female babies.
What is the problem ? Einstein once said that the most important act of thinking a person can do is to define a problem, because anyone can work out a solution.
Can we help or treat the infertile couples to have children births ? Yes, we can.
Can we help or treat the couples preference male births? Yes, we can.
Can we help or treat the couples preference female births ? Yes, we can.
How serious problem is it ?
There are 14 % of reproductive age women infertility in USA, it is estimated about 120 million couples are infertile in the worldwide.
Every year about 210 million women become pregnant, it is estimated that more than a half or about 110 million couples preference male births and less than a half or 100 million preference female as well as preference indifference births.
Some 340 million cases of curable sexually transmitted infections [STIs] caused mainly by bacteria, are estimated to occur worldwide every year, the STIs may cause the infertility for the couples transmitted infections. In many countries, STIs are among the top five conditions for which men and women seek care and thus considerable drain on resource-strapped health services.
[WHO.Geneva, 2002, p 31].
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